Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to remove the facebook chat virus

Hope you noticed that a facebook chat virus is spreading links with some attractive messages. See some sample messages here.

If you are annoyed from the new virus being hitted on facebook like this

""Did you see how will u look like in 20 years from now? lol :{} ""
"" i just made a photoshop of you, check it out :P: {} ""
“ Hey!! is this photo urs? … OMG!!! —-> { } ”
“ omg hahah have u seen this photo u got tagged in LOL —-> {} ”

YES!! This is a new virus which infects your id and spreads virus further your id.
Avoid Click on it and don't bother around .. If however you clicked here is a way to get rid of this

This messages are pop up with a shortened url of “http:// yaira .info” If you clicked any of the link it will ask for a facebook application access request. this is the last option to stay away from this kind of fake applications. If you click on “Don’t Allow” button, nothing will happen. Instead of that if you are clicking on “Allow” button it will grand the access to facebook chat.You can see the access type in the popup message. Here it is “Access Facebook Chat” Normally genuine applications will show the Icon and application name. Here the application name is “Check it”.

If you are permitted this Facebook application to access your Facebook chat, It will start spreading messages with infected links to your online friends.

Steps for removal

Step 1 . Go to “Accounts” > “Privacy Settings” or just click
Step 2. Find “Apps and Websites” in bottom and click
Click on “Edit settings” Under “Apps you use”
Here you can see the applications retain access to your account
Remove Applications that look spammy like: or or
If you see an application named “Check it” Select “Remove app”

Step 3. Your friend or you should be clean

Enjoy Safe Surfing . Have Fun

Jalandharlive Team

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